How porn stars can use IG for “influencing”

Melrose Michaels of Sex Work CEO posted something interested on Instagram today and I wanted to share it with you because it has some very valuable information if you are an adult performer who uses IG. I then wanted to take it a few steps further and really get into examples. But first, let’s talk about her post.

It’s no secret that IG has been an uphill battle for SWrs 🚫 BUT we’re playing the long game now and trading quick follower gains for brand dollars and security 💸 Follow these 5 steps, and you will be an Influencer 🗣

Although some people may not like it, porn stars are actually social media influencers, but their very definition. Although not always easy to get brand deals like mainstream influencers, it doesn’t mean you can’t clean up your act and try. There is money to be made with your Instagram account. But first, you really have to clean up that timeline.

Sometimes we are so used to be in porn that we don’t realize what we are posting might not be appropriate. You’d be surprised how many times a day I see a nipple or someone’s bush on a photo they posted on IG.

I thought the best way to point that out is to show you very specific examples.

Using Melrose Michael’s early advice, I wanted to show you some photos. The first one is perfect to post. The rest are not.

Taylor Rain

See that photo is pretty but it’s also very social media influencer-like.

Now let me show you some from the set that you shouldn’t post. Not that they aren’t sort of SFW but if you really want to take that leap from porn star to real influencer and land real brand deals, then you need to avoid these types of pics.


Porn Stars have an opportunity to use their name to build a huge following on social media and then use that for something of value in mainstream. I’m not saying it will be easy, but it is possible.

Just think carefully before you post and always err on the side of caution.

By the way, show Melrose Michaels you appreciate her advice, by following her on Twitter at @melrosemichaels.


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