Porn Meets Science at the Annual AVN Show

Every year when those hordes of fans descend on Las Vegas to meet their favorite porn stars, which we know as the AVN Adult Entertainment Expo, there are also hordes of scientists who do the same. Only their goal is to get into the minds of those fans. They want to know who they are, what they like and what they don’t like.

Every year they collect data in the form of surveys from both fans and industry professionals alike.

Some of the data gathered is exactly what you might think … most of the attendees are straight, white males. They are pretty even on being married or single. Their education levels are higher than some might expect. Most attendees have a degree (almost 45%) while just over 15% have a graduate level degree. Only 8% of those surveyed have a high school education). Β In other words, those fans who attend the who are pretty well-educated consumers.

Most surveyed (almost 70%) agreed that holding the event in Las Vegas made the more interested in attending. I am not surprised by hearing this. I mean who doesn’t want to go play in Sin City while at the same time getting a chance to meet their favorite porn star?

The average person surveyed said they spent as much as $600 on gambling while they were in town for the show.

Now the good stuff. When it comes to buying a movie what is the most influential thing?

The movie itself, the studio who produced it or the person who stars in it?

Coming in at 45%, it turns out the answer is The Talent who stars in the movie is the most influential reason a person might buy an adult movie.

I mean that’s kind of a no brainer. Of course, it’s the star of the movie that sells the title itself, but now we have scientific data to back it up.



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