Playboy Closes Club Jenna

It looks like Playboy has now officially closed Club Jenna.

Club Jenna

The last recorded shot of the site in the Internet archive is on September 2, 2016. Oddly enough Playboy forwarded the site to instead of one of their own properties like Playboy Plus.

I reached out to Mindgeek (since they run Playboy web properties) to find out why that decision was made, but wasn’t able to find anyone that knew what was going on.

Jenna Jameson founded Club Jenna in 2000 with her then husband Jay Grdina.Β On June 22, 2006, Playboy announced that it had bought it. Nobody knew at the time how much Jenna Jameson and Jay Grdina made from the sale but rumors have been estimated anywhere between $10 and $30 million dollars.

In porn, Jenna Jameson hasn’t really been relevant in years and it was really only a matter of time before the iconic site would fall by the wayside when it never really got any attention or updates.







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