The Impact of Stress on Sexual Health

We all suffer from stress sometimes; it’s just human nature and affects us all differently. You could be worried about work, money, or just everyday stress. One key area where it can affect you is in the bedroom, so looking at ways to manage stress is important to relationships.

What Is Stress?

Before we discuss how it impacts sexual health, let’s take a look at what it is and the different types that are out there. Sometimes, some stress is good for us as we all need it occasionally, but too much of it is bad.

Two Different Types of Stress

Acute Stress – Short-term stress that doesn’t last long. It could be caused by something dangerous that catches us off guard or by taking part in something new that excites us.

Chronic Stress – Dangerous because it is long-term. It could last for months and be caused by money worries or a stressful job.

But How Does This Affect Your Sex Life?

We can split this into two main categories: physiological and psychological.

Physiological Effects

When you are stressed, you release hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline. These can be good in short bursts, but chronic stress can keep these high, which isn’t good for the body; these can lead to the following symptoms.

  • Reduced Libido – If you have high levels of cortisol, this can overpower the body’s natural sex hormones and reduce your sex drive.
  • Erectile Dysfunction – Stress does not help with performance anxiety, which might mean you struggle to keep an erection.
  • Menstrual Cycle – For ladies, stress might mess up their menstrual cycle, which makes them less up for sex.

Psychological Effects

Stress can massively psychologically impact you as well. This can lead to some of the following issues.

  • Body image problems – you might see yourself as not sexually attractive, and therefore, you won’t be as up for sex as if you thought you were attractive.
  • Anxiety and depression – Chronic stress doesn’t help with anxiety and depression, which in turn will reduce your sexual desire.

Ideas For Managing Stress To Improve Your Sex Life

There are plenty of ways you can look at to help lower your stress levels. Not all of these will work for you, so it’s important to investigate them to see which works for you.

1. Exercise

We hear a lot in the press about how exercise can help lower stress. This is because it releases endorphins, which our body naturally creates. This lowers stress levels, and a workout can only improve your health, which leads to our body functioning better sexually. You could even look at working out together as a couple. This would allow you to spend time together, which will also improve your relationship.

2. Talk To your Partner

Talking is essential. They might not realize you are quite as stressed as you are, and opening up to them might help them. They say a problem shared is a problem halved. Partners also love people being honest, and it shows that you can trust each other.

Think about when the right time to bring it up is, and make sure you are 100% honest and open. Let them know about your concerns, fears, and desires. It’s also important you let them speak so you can hear their side of the story, as it should be a two-way thing.

3. Speak To a Professional

If you don’t feel like talking to your partner, you can get professional help. There are general therapists, sex therapists, and counselors who will be able to give you advice on how to manage your stress.

It could also be that you need counseling not just on your own but as a couple. This could be hard to bring up, but it is about being open and honest.

4. Make Time For Yourself.

No, we do not mean playing with yourself! We are talking about making time for relaxation away from work and sex. Think about your ultimate chilled-out day. Maybe you like a hot bath with candles or just lying on the sofa listening to your favorite tunes. Think about what works for you.

5. Diet

We all go through bad times when it comes to diet. The important thing is not to let this become too much of a regular thing. Eating takeaways and sugary food every day is not good for you. Evaluate your diet and make sure you are taking in all the key nutrients that your body needs. Diet can massively help with stress levels.

6. Joint Relaxation Techniques

In addition to exercising together, joint relaxation techniques could be a good idea. This could include things like meditation or yoga. Doing these together can help increase your bond.

7. Make Sex Fun

This might sound obvious, but maybe making sex fun again might be a good idea to try. If you are stressed and have been having sex on the same day, in the same positions, and just going through the motions, then it could be time to mix it up.

Why not do some sex shopping together and have a look at what you could buy? Toys like vibrators and dildos could add some extra stimulation. Or you could look at role play or some sexy outfits that you could both try on. Watching porn together can also be a good way to make sex more fun.

What Else Could Be Causing It?

It could be worth booking an appointment with your general doctor to discuss your issues. You might be aware of other underlying issues with your body or mind, such as diabetes or fibromyalgia, which they can help diagnose.

Final Thoughts

You are not alone. Not everyone goes through life having the perfect sex life. Everyone has their ups and downs. What is important is that if you have more downs than ups, you get some help, which can’t be done by shutting yourself off.

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