Anton Harden Called Out For Abusive On Set Behavior

I really need to create a whole new category for this site called piece of shit people to avoid in the porn industry.

Today’s piece of shit is male performer Anton Harden who is being called out for his abusive on-set behavior.

A female performer should not have to ask you to stop more than once, let alone three times.

And to make matters worse, this isn’t the first time a female performer has had a problem with this particular male performer. However, today, we are only going to focus on Lulu Chu’s personal experience with this man.

I debated posting this for a long time but this is for everyone else, not me. In this clip I’m working with Anton Harden. You can see me tap out 3 whole times. If he’s willing to ignore boundaries so obviously while on a pro set, surrounded by people, I can only imagine what he gets away with during collabs/content. I would not recommend anyone work with him based off this. I wouldn’t usually post something like this but I found the clip on Reddit and was pretty horrified at how clearly in pain I looked. I know this guy has been talked about before but here’s some concrete evidence of his behavior.

ok I’m seeing a lot of posts asking about the crew stepping in – after my third tap out the director did call cut, and while they didn’t say it, I know it was because of me. I do not blame the crew/director/studio for this, they stopped shooting as soon as they realized I wasn’t ok.

Some have asked why he didn’t get up and scream CUT — If you look at the video, he’s holding her down. It’s not like she could really move at all.  Beyond that, Lulu Chu is very tiny, standing at only 4 feet 9 inches tall and weighing 85-90 pounds. She’s a very little, petite girl.

He’s a big ass man who was holding her down into a position where her face was pushed into the bed. She did her best to “tap out,” which is an industry-standard thing to understand and respect.

Luckily, many of her fellow female performers have stepped up to show her love and support and to thank her for sharing her story so that others will know not to work with him, as he has been known to be abusive and physically aggressive with others in the past.

No female should ever have to feel unsafe on a set.

What Anton Harden did to this poor girl is not okay. It will never be okay. All performers should always respect their co-star’s boundaries. What he did is beyond unacceptable, and I hope you’ll join me in asking Vixen Media Group (aka to stop hiring this man.

Please take a moment to tweet at (@blacked_com) and let them know that you aren’t okay with them hiring Anton Harden in the future after what he’s done.

Ask them to take a stand to protect the vulnerable females on set by not hiring any problematic men like Anton Harden. Vixen Media Group seems to be the one company that hires him most often. Let’s work together to ask them to stop hiring him. What he did is not okay!

In March of 2023, Maddy May contacted Vixen Media Gropu about an on-set incident with Anton Harden. More than a year later, we are here again.

Maddy May says that to this day (now more than a year later) Vixen Media Group has yet to respond to her letter.

I want to take a moment to thank both Lulu Chu and Maddy May for coming forward with their stories about Anton Harden so that others will know to avoid working with him in the future.

I know it’s not always easy to come forward, but their bravery may have saved other girls from being hurt in the future. Please show them your love and support.


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